dress – Primark; scarf – New Look; boots – Deichmann;
pictures by Stuart Dreghorn
Niemożliwe…Czyżby? Tak! To one. Traperki z Deichmanna. I to latem! Skandal moralny i degrengolada (albo skandal i degrengolada moralna, można sobie wybrać). A ja lubię latem, bo buciory i kwiecista sukienka równa się szczęście Pyszczka. No i recycling, las też się cieszy i pozwala pobujać się na gałęzi.
Dwa zdjęcia pretensjonalne, trzy zdjęcia normalnie.
English: I hear you asking why would someone wear their winter boots in the summer time? And I say why not? As much as it is scandalous and disgusting, it is also uber stylish and especially so when teamed with a flower dress (yes, I am talking about my outfit ;). Also it is in a way recycling and it makes forest happy. You see how happy it looks in the picture?
Two pretentious images (where I look like an arty twat, Stuart’s words) and three normal.