Tag: Moda i styl
Photos by Ell and mePrzedstawiałam już kiedyś mój pogląd na turystykę. Z...
Miss Selfridges dress, New Look biker jacket and shoes, Primark bag and...
Primark dress, River Island skirt and shoes, New Look beltPhotos by Ell...
Urban Outfitters dress from a thrift store, New Look shoesPhotos by EllMam...
Primark dress and cardigan, River Island shoesPhotos by Lindsay and meWiększość miejsc...
thrifted cardigan and dress, snood knitted by my Mum, Topshop shoesPhotos by...
thrifted cardigan and bag, Internacionale dress, New Look shoesPhotos by Ell, Ell's...
Primark dress and cardigan, Topshop shoes, vintage bagPhotos by Ell and me'Come,...
original German army jacket, Internacionale dress, Topshop shoes Photos by Ell and...